Reply to post: Re: started in Jeopardy

Machine learning the hard way: IBM Watson's fatal misdiagnosis


Re: started in Jeopardy

Being a medic, I read El Reg as a personal hobby. And yes, I have read about medical IA and so on professionally, but no, I don't understand its inner workings. Yes, tech really, really enhanced our abilities to treat. But...

Everybody in health care will tell you that, in the end, the pivot of medical treatment is an interaction between people.

Knowing this, I want to put this to you techies here:

How would you personally like to be treated for your (potentially life impacting) ailment by IA exclusively? Never see a person you can talk to and interact with? Just like all those other services who give you a "convenient selection module", "Please press hash to continue"? Just imagine you yourself stuck in that phone booth like medical pod with your cancer... I apologise for the dramatic imaginary for demonstrative purposes, but we're talking your life here. Or you having pain every day of your life, not you complaining your app is not working as advertised (Ever tried to talk to a real person there with your customer complaint?)

I'm not naive, and I realise that there are always "great opportunities" out there to "exploit and monetise". But maybe we also have to think at a certain time when we do something, whether we really need it (that way).

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