Reply to post: Re: Don't do that!

When forgetting to set a password for root is the least of your woes

big_D Silver badge

Re: Don't do that!

The ops caught me once. I'd gone to the loo and forgotten to lock my terminal. When I got back, the terminal was locked, with a note from the op, saying I had to repeat 1,000 times, "I will lock my terminal, when I leave my desk."

I took him at his word, I wrote the sentence in EDT, copied it 1,000 times.

I then used the VAX phone command to call him (ICQ, WhatsApp or iMessage for the 1970s user), when he answered, I piped the file with the 1,000 lines to his terminal.

We had a good laugh and I bought him a beer, when we met up for our AD&D evening.

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