Reply to post: Draw them in until they can't do without

Google sours on legacy G Suite freeloaders, demands fee or flee

steviebuk Silver badge

Draw them in until they can't do without

All the big players do this because they can take the hit. Pull you in for long enough that you now can't do without before withdrawing the "free" option.

I was paying for 3 users for GSuite as I wanted to still keep in the know on how to manage it after leaving somewhere that used it. Never been a fan for paying for online storage so always avoided and backup to local HDDs that sit in a fireproof box. Anyway, I then noticed for a few pounds extra a month I could keep one user and get unlimited HDD space if I upgraded to GSuite Business so I did. Deleted the other 2. I now had cloud backup storage, unlimited cheaper than the just cloud storage offerings from Google themselves, Amazon and Microsoft. Was going to do an article on it, how it was cheaper to buy the domain name, hosting and with the knowledge to setup GSuit you had all that space.

Then a few months later they said they were rebranding to Google Workspace and all the packages were changing. Anyone new wouldn't be able to get the same packages. This was shocking just from a consultant point of view (I'm not one). There was no warning so if you'd just sold a company the business solution then you now had to tell them, they can use it with the unlimited space but in a few months time they'll be forced to the corporate package costing a hell of a lot more.

I finally got my notice about a month ago that I would be forced to the new rebrand of gsuite and based on my usaged I'd be moved to the appropriate package. Which would of been for one user using unlimited space, the corporate package. Fuck that, I'm not paying for that high charge that would of been. Deleted all the back ups and cancelled my sub.

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