Reply to post: Re: Would be really nice

Alert: Let's Encrypt to revoke about 2 million HTTPS certificates in two days

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Would be really nice

Home users running free DuckDNS style DNS's don't need a middle-man, ACME works right out of the box. But, does LetsEncrypt work without ALPN-01 in this case? I really don't know. All my VPS's are setup in places that this doesn't matter, but for people hosting from home or at least along the lines of more independent state this could be an issue.

I really don't know a lot about all of this (obviously), but I do know that some home users can not validate across common ports (80/443) so they resort to ALPN (which at one point 'certbot' did NOT support... directly).

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