Reply to post: Re: The Microsoft naming department

Microsoft's do-it-all IDE Visual Studio 2022 came out late last year. How good is it really?


Re: The Microsoft naming department

True, they have made a total mess of the naming and versioning. Trying to search for documentation on specific .Net or C# features is a bad experience as the Microsoft docs try to direct you to the latest version with features that are not present in the framework you have to work with. VS started suggesting code changes which are not compatible with the version of framework we run with, so that made VS code helpers a bit less helpful.

Their philosophy seems to be that everybody should throw out their old software solutions and write a whole new set in the latest version of language and framework. This seems quite disconnected from reality to me.

I keep on working with old ASP.Net forms and would dearly like to be able to start replacing it with their shiny new .Net, but I'm kind of frozen whenever I try to determine which bits of the technology I should concentrate on learning. There are just too many different streams of toolsets and frameworks. At least ASP.Net development and debugging in VS is simple and mostly trouble free.

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