Reply to post: "No, but I can understand a childish..."

IPv6 is built to be better, but that's not the route to success

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"No, but I can understand a childish..."

I'm probably older than you and could not access the internet until the late 1990s. You can brag you early internet access as much as you like, but the fact that in the first half of 1990s things were far different than today is a fact, and that it inevitably reflected into the IPv6 design.

Not understanding it is quite childish and show that many old people become usually as stupid as kids. Especially, they become fearful of any changes that require them to adapt, and dream of "the old good times". Some others are able to put things in perspective, and move on.

If IPv6 was being designed today probably it would be quite different, and probably Google and Facebook will want a unique personal identifier in each packet.

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