Reply to post: Re: Ideal for data

'Please download in Microsoft Excel': Meet the tech set to monitor IT performance across central UK government


Re: Ideal for data

My customer used Lotus Notes back in the 1990's. When the boss needed to collect some data from the employees his PA would create a questionnaire in Notes and email it to as many as 15,000 employees. They would dutifully answer the questionnaire, which might be an invite to the corporate picnic. The PA would then have a database full of answers which she can present to the boss as charts or tables or allow access to the database.

This would typically take about 10 minutes to create. This is now lost technology. I think there are survey tools that the average person can quickly push out a survey but emailing a spreadsheet is not it.

It was not the solution back in 1997 nor has it got any better in the last quarter century.

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