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Version 7 of WINE is better than ever at running Windows apps where they shouldn't

PRR Silver badge

> this is running Word 2003 SP3

I didn't know "you" could even find Wurd 2003 today. OR its service packs.

_I_ have the CD image, passcode, service packs, and DOCX converters. I had it at an old job, saw I was never going to need it as much as MS thought it was worth, and hoarded all the bits. I was mildly shocked that it installed and ran on Windows 7 65-bit. (One of the MS compilers refused to run on anything newer than the day it was born, crying "non-MS OS!!".)

We exchange docs written in W2003 with editors and publishers. My housemate has published two novels wrote in W2003 on WinXP, then exported through DOCX and thumbdrives.

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