Reply to post: Re: Hmm

Hauliers report problems with post-Brexit customs system but HMRC insists it is 'online and working as planned'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hmm

My ignorance of EU details, which I readily admit, <dummy>"Brexit bad"</dummy> as it was obviously bad for my business, my rights, and my country. It was transparently a coup, fronted by dishonest racist grifters, if you happened to possess an above room temperature IQ. these are reliable indicators that something is a little off, perhaps, these known racist grifters, are maybe, maybe, engaged in a dishonest grift. The great thing about the EU, is I never had to give a F, about the EU.

It just went on stopping bigger companies shitting on my tiny company, I was fine with that.

It meant when my kid got ill, I could get on the first flight to see her, instead of some visa nonsense. It's the longest flight of my life.

As for Corbyn

The plain fact is, the man was not in office, and said "if you want this damn fool thing, at least vote on it intentionally. I don't really care", that's a reasonable position to hold, and frankly one that got him much flack. He wasn't in office.

The EU is not the be all and end all, and as he happened to be a local MP in my part of London, I happen to know who he is, which informs my support for him, where as you seem to be annoyed but unable to quite articulate why you find the man objectionable. Frankly given the choice on offer, you should have voted for a carrot rather than Johnson. You are free to prefer a carrot over Corbyn, but again, why?

What's your beef with Magic Grandpa ? He focus grouped some compromise position to keep as many of the gammon on side as possible, trusting quite rightly, if ever the public got a second vote on this, this rubbish would be killed stone dead, so didn't matter what the puff was.

People largely wanted "Brexit"[1] or Remain. For you. you've got fantasy, with well fleshed out details about the route you've outlined. I accepted you have a detailed understanding of the situation. I'll go further, as say that conceptually your fantasy was/is possible. But didn't work.

[1] TBD.

I suggest the ignorant one is the person gulled into voting to enable racist grifters.

I and others blessed by our ignorance of the EU, spotted the problem. Why couldn't you?

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