Reply to post: Re: Is it really that difficult?

JavaScript dev deliberately screws up own popular npm packages to make a point of some sort

Mark 65

Re: Is it really that difficult?

To me there's two sides. It makes no sense as a business to pay for something you can get for free. The developer's real mistake is the level of support they've offered the product for no cost. A business will think "good on you, keep the updates coming". On the other hand it makes little sense as a business to utterly rely on something which may contain a critical flaw that may not get fixed once discovered because the developer has got the pox with freeloaders. Given the source code is available businesses may be willing to ride that roller-coaster based upon previous developer support. It is also a short-term view vs a long-term view and most planning is decidedly in the short-term camp as it fits with rewards.

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