Reply to post: Re: Professional Basketcases?

Ukraine blames Belarus for PC-wiping 'ransomware' that has no recovery method and nukes target boxen

Morten Bjoernsvik

Re: Professional Basketcases?

NS2 will be ready next year, then Putin can circumvent Ukraina, and pick pocket his friends for cheap gas.

But Europe have themselves to blame, especially Germany decommissioning and neglecting nuclear power-plants. Now full of solar and windmills, but what do they do then there is no sun or no winds (like most of the autumn and winter), they have to buy expensive power from elsewhere. In Norway we usually have a a 15% (10TWh) surplus of ACER-friendly generated electric power from waterfalls. And we have -10C and belov lots of the winter.

This winter the high prices in Europe tempted the incompetent leadership of StatsKraft to sell all they had emptying the water-magazines and viola, we have to set the power price higher than all of Europe to prevent export. resulting in a on average 600% increase this winter.

The fallout are unemployment and shitload of bad publicity for the ruling parties. they show a 40% decrease in the polls.

We have two new cables to UK and Germany with 600GWh capacity each, 10 fold the old cable capacity, On top of it we also have the Nettleie, a charge on top because of impedance in the cables, because of all this export we need to pay based on our max utilization day of the month to promote freezing and cold dinners (This was luckily avoided and turned down in the last hour).

We get some refunds via the goverment a 20%, but my powerbill for december was still NOK5000, it uses to be NOK1500. This refund does not yet cover small businesses and flat complex.

Now they talk of electrifying a 4TWh Ammonium plant and all the 50+ oil platforms in the North Sea around 10TWh, Statskraft earned around 64Bill NOK (£6.4Bill) into the government koffers last year and the government is giving back around 6Bill NOK in support.

Norway the battery of Europe, while its population is freezing.

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