Reply to post: At Anonymous Custard, re: parking.

Planning for power cuts? That's strictly for the birds


At Anonymous Custard, re: parking.

At a previous employer whom shall remain unnamed lest they read this site, recognize me, & come gunning for my arse, one of my managers would occaisionally park under a certain tree to take advantage of the shade it provided on particularly hot Summer days.

One of my coworkers & I felt the need to express our displeasure over some of his more rage-inducing management habits, so we started looking about for creative, nonviolent, but extremely disgusting forms of potential mischief.

Cue the tree. And a jar of honey. And a bag of birdseed. And an evening/early morning spent climbing said tree, coating the top sides of the branches over his favorite spot in honey, sprinkling it in birdseed, & thus finishing a bird attracting lure to roost over where his car would hopefully be the next day.

At first nothing happened & no birds came to eat, but we kept refreshing the honey+birdseed lure every day (night/morning) for a week until they noticed.

Oh. My. Feathery. Gods! The birds swarmed the tree like it was straight out of Hitchcock's movie. But only on the branches with the lure, leaving it looking like God had pointed a finger & command "Thou Shall Not Perch Here" and thus it was so.

The amount of poop that entire flock generated, then deposited over his car, well let's just say it was mountainous.

Which, if you think about it, explained why he called a tow company to drag his car home rather than drive it himself... something about convertables with their tops down, a mini mountain of bird shit, & a Summer's day with temperatures in the 100DegF (37.78 °C), can you say "Baked on crunchy shell"? =-)p

His management style didn't change, but he also stopped driving a convertable to work.

I can *easily* envision the destruction unmonitored bird excriment could do to electronics/electrical components/etc. If what it did to that car interior is any indication... *Comical cat gagging noises*

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