Reply to post: Re: cryptocurrency

North Korea pulled in $400m in cryptocurrency heists last year – report

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: cryptocurrency

"And I thought the North Koreans were starving and so had other things on their minds. How do the find the time to train these people?"

Take a look at why they're starving. It's because all the money goes into government and military investments instead of public services. The things that get investment are the leaders' personal comfort, a lot of troops to stand around the southern border in case it's time to invade, a lot of troops to stand around elsewhere in case someone needs quick imprisonment, nuclear weapons, and stuff that makes more money for those things listed above. Ways to make more money include manufacture of illegal things (counterfeit money is one of their specialties), weapons systems for sale and internal use, and cybercrime. In other words, they are starving because the resources that could help are being spent on training these people. Entirely consistent.

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