Reply to post: Re: Governments

Open source, closed wallets, big profits – nobody wins the OSS rock, paper, scissors game

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Governments


Quote "Look what has happened with broadcast music - most songs ended up around 3 minutes long 'cos that's what the station was prepared to play. Streaming services (spotify etc) pay for music on a different basis and so - magically - artists have changed their offering to maximise revenue and so tend towards having many more shorter tracks".

Seriously? Where are you getting your "facts" from? Tiktok?

Here is my Spotify. spotify:user:ishtiaq (may need an upper case "s" am not sure)

Go on, look, there are plenty of tracks lasting longer than 3 minutes.

I would tell you how the three minute thing came about, but I can't be arsed. But it was nothing to do with radio stations.

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