Reply to post: Re Little Mouse: "Earth’s magnetic field will disappear in 6.2 billion years or so"

Alien life on Super-Earth can survive longer than us due to long-lasting protection from cosmic rays

The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

Re Little Mouse: "Earth’s magnetic field will disappear in 6.2 billion years or so"

Yea. Humans are worse than any alien predator the movies have ever devised. We are like locusts. We can & do eat everything else on this planet. We can & do live everywhere on the land of this planet. We breed like rabbits so can die by the millions and we replace our ranks rapidly. Our only natural predator of any consequence is others of our own kind. Besides which we are pretty hard to kill in large numbers without using high technology. And all of that was as true back when we were hunter-gatherers as it is today.

We are a scourge. Best thing any aliens who happen to notice us could do for interstellar peace is nuke us from orbit before we spread. It's the only way to be sure.

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