Reply to post: Re: Dodgy connection

Software guy smashes through the Somebody Else's Problem field to save the day

ChrisC Silver badge

Re: Dodgy connection

When she was younger, one of our cats took a liking to curling up behind my PC tower to take advantage of the nice warm air venting out of the PSU, but in doing so she'd always end up getting partly tangled in the loose cables hanging down the back of the tower from all the stuff plugged in above the PSU - USB, audio, video capture, and DVI...

One day I discovered, to my utter delight, that the repeated tugging and pulling on one of the DVI cables had caused the corresponding socket on the graphics card to fail (I'm guessing it popped a solder joint, just as happens from time to time on headphone sockets after a while). Fortunately this was on a card with more DVI outputs than I had monitors, so the fix was to a) move the cable onto one of the unused outputs, and b) invest in some cat-resistant cable management hardware (aka heavy duty cable trunking large enough to swallow the entire spaghetti factory of cabling required by the PC) to minimise the amount of slack cabling left within reach of curious kitten paws.

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