Reply to post: Re: Open Source is an Opportunity

Open source isn't the security problem – misusing it is

Norman Nescio Silver badge

Re: Open Source is an Opportunity

Open Source is an opportunity to read and modify the code, or pay someone to do it for you. That's more than most paid-for software packages do for you.

Well, up to a point. Open Source does not necessarily give you the right to distribute modifications to the code. For that you need a 'libre' licence, or code that really, truly, is in the public domain. Open Source allows you to read the source. If you make modifications and use them privately, that's fine. Distributing the changes: copyright becomes an issue.

Open Source also says nothing about Digital Rights Management (DRM). If the code needs to be signed to operate, you are beholden to whoever has control of the signing key.

You really need code under a licence that allows you to read the source, make a reproducible build, distribute modified code, and run it on your own hardware without needing permission from a third party (aka DRM).


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