Reply to post: Re: Hmm

Meta Platforms demands staffers provide proof of COVID-19 booster vaccine before returning to office

jmch Silver badge

Re: Hmm

The trial data might not be limited, but its still provided by the Pharma companies themselves. So, trials are completed, full approvals are done, so what?

The real test of whether they work isn't the trial, it's real life, for which we have far more available data. And in real life, infection rates by country or by locality do not correlate with vaccination rates. Ergo vaccines aren't working to stop the spread of Covid.

On the other hand, hospitalisation rates per case are way down*. So the vaccines are effective to help whoever takes them not get very sick if they're infected. So if you are concerned for your own health, get the vaccine. If you don't want it, don't get it because it won't affect anyone else much differently. If you can't get the vaccine, there are now effective drugs against covid.

Either way, splitting society with an all out social war of vaccinated vs unvaccinated isn't helpful. Just let everyone choose what they want.

*partly also because omicron isn't as severe as delta

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