Reply to post: Re: Dear NHS - Get well soon

A fifth of England's NHS trusts are mostly paper-based as they grapple with COVID backlog, warn MPs

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Re: Dear NHS - Get well soon

I agree with you entirely. A fact I was introduced to a couple of years ago, and have had cause to check again recently that I wasn't horribly mistaken is that the NHS costs, from the public purse, per person, LESS than healthcare in the US.

Again: from public funds in both cases. That's before any insurance, deductibles, bankrupcies, gofundmes and ofc loads of people actually not being entitled to treatment in the states.

They're paying more per capita in taxation for healthcare than we are, and ours is ostensibly "free" at the point of use.

If one sits and thinks about that and what it means is going on, it's utterly mind boggling.

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