Reply to post: Re: Image search can easily find these images

Fugitive mafioso evaded cops for two decades until he was spotted on Google Street View

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Image search can easily find these images

It isn't possible. At least not with Google Image Search or other publicly available image search. Those only find identical or near identical versions of the same image at different size/quality settings. If you have a thumbnail of something you want a bigger/better quality version of, image search can help you there.

If you have a picture of someone and you want to find other pictures of that same person, it is useless. Oh sure you can give it a picture of say Taylor Swift and it can identify it as Taylor Swift and find other pictures of her but it isn't doing it by identifying the picture as her. It is finding other copies of that SAME picture you gave it linked to as being "Taylor Swift", then giving you other pictures also linked to as being her.

Now if you are looking for one specific person current technology does allow searching a bunch of pictures and finding matches at a given confidence level. There will be plenty of false matches, so you can't send out a hit squad to everyone you find unless you're modeling your mafia on the Terminator. This only works well one to many, and AFAIK this isn't something that's publicly available. You're going to have to pay some company to do this search, and there will be a record of it that law enforcement can track back so if you're planning on killing the target you should probably procure the services with a false identity etc.

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