Reply to post: Re: I'm glad I'm not old enough

You've stolen the antiglare shield on that monitor you've fixed – they say the screen is completely unreadable now

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I'm glad I'm not old enough

Reminds me a bit of my tactic when they had darts/pool matches on in our local pub (Gents loos were off the 'Games Room') - I'd wait until whoever was playing had finished their turn then if the spectators refused to move I'd politely offer to widdle up their leg since they wouldn't let me get to the loo. No-one ever took me up on that offer but I did occasionally have to resort to reaching for my flies before they got the hint. The 'Ladies' (I use the term loosely) dart matches were generally the worst for this.

AC since I still drink there occasionally.

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