Reply to post: Re: Friday rule

It's the day before the grand opening but we need a firmware update. It'll be fine

jake Silver badge

Re: Friday rule

In the years leading up to 2000, I got paid an awful lot of money re-certifying stuff that had been certified to be Y2K compliant some 10-20 years earlier. Same for the embedded guys & gals. By the time 2000 came around, most of the hard work was close to a decade in the past ... the re-certification was pure management bullshit, so they could be seen as doing something ... anything! ... useful during the peak of the dot-bomb bubble.

Look for similar bullshit/misdirection during the end of the first UNIX epoch in 2038 ... despite the fact that all of the important systems that would be affected either already have been, or can easily be modified, making to so-called"problem" non-existent.

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