Reply to post: Re: Geeks have inherited nothing

You geeks have inherited the Earth, but what are you going to do with it?

jake Silver badge

Re: Geeks have inherited nothing

"Go look at the harassment cases in tech companies and try to claim that we don't have our own share of psychotics, liars, cheats and the plain irrational."

Having been in this business since (roughly) the 1960s, I'd say that most[0] of the people involved in that kind of thing are not the techies, but rather the Management which grew up around them. Management, almost by definition, has psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies. Read any book on the subject of "How To Be A Good Manager".

Most of the geeks/nerds that I know are irrational about other things, and rarely go out of their way to share them with others, much less inflict others with them.

[0] See that word, pedants? It's there for a reason. Heed it. Ta.

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