Reply to post: Re: Is this an EU or Europe thing ?

Europe completes first phase of silicon independence project

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Is this an EU or Europe thing ?

@Fazal Majid

"The UK is the home of ARM, but let SoftBank, a Japanese company specializing in Ponzi schemes like Uber or WeWork, acquire its tech crown jewel."

A private company sold privately and currently being blocked from privately selling privately to another private business. Private used to mean something.

"As for Intel’s plans to open a cutting-edge fab in Europe, their CEO clearly stated the UK is not in the running because of Brexit."

Thankfully. Look at the subsidies needed to make these fabs in expensive countries. We have high costs in labour, bureaucracy, health and safety, electricity, etc to produce something we cannot compete on price with. Better let the US and EU pay it out and UK benefit like the rest of the world from cheaper chips.

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