Reply to post: Re: Just one more thing

Revealed: Remember the Sony rootkit rumpus? It was almost oh so much worse


Re: Just one more thing

"when they deliberately introduced errors on the CD"

Not the shenanigans I was referring to, but maybe. I do not recall if the CD audio standard specifically spelled out purposely inserted errors were verboten. Logically, why would somebody want to do that? Only a shyster would stoop so low.

The violation I was recalling was the mixing of audio and data on the same CD. It is allowable as a hybrid CD but under the licensing of "CD Audio" it is not and cannot display the "CD Audio" logo, name, or other branding.

That licensing on the "CD Audio" brand extends to the packaging such as the jewel cases. Both the original thickness and the thin jewel cases had locations on the inside corners where one would find the "CD Audio" logo. They are placed so one is right-side-up in the upper right corner and the other is upside-down in the lower left corner. The logo consists of the words "COMPACT disc DIGITAL AUDIO" in certain fonts - the font for disc being an outline font and the largest. The word COMPACT was nested above the isc of disc and next to the upper extension of the d. DIGITAL AUDIO sat entirely below the word disc. If you were to check data CDs' cases you were likely to find the "CD Audio" logo which is 1/2 to 1/3 the violation of Sony since Sony also put the logo on the CD label and cover material.

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