Reply to post: Re: Those that live in glass houses

US grounds investors in Chinese drone maker DJI over 'Xinjiang human rights abuses'


Re: Those that live in glass houses

> " ... and even further ahead of how China is handling it's minorities (the Uygurs aren't the only ones)"

You're out of your mind. The US handled it's minorities so well most of them are extinct, or on reservations" ("re-education camps" - without the "re-education" bit).

The CPC's handling of Chinese minorities is simply excellent, based on the hard facts available. The US doe not compare.

The rest of your tripe doesn't bear a response , suffice to say the US was built on slavery, whether "North" or "South" while China never built it's economy on slavery. Even the abolition of American slavery simply lead to a century of effective Apartheid and legally supported racism until the civil rights movement led by people like MLK managed to win better treatment of minorities.

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