Reply to post: Re: What Human Rights Abuses?

US grounds investors in Chinese drone maker DJI over 'Xinjiang human rights abuses'

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: What Human Rights Abuses?

Even if it was true that Israel was hosting gulags for muslims (they aren't) or that they were doing ethnic cleansing (they aren't) your first line is a pointless whatabout-ism. "What do you mean I can't kick puppies? Look at those guys clubbing baby seals!"

There's plenty of criticism to be leveled at the whole Israël-Palestina conflict but gulags or ethnic cleansing certainly aren't the right terms to be using.

"sheer terror of China as a rising power" -> As any sane person should, since they're already demonstrating with the whole Uygur "issue" they can't be trusted with that power.

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