Reply to post: Re: Unbelievably

Google joins others in Big Tech: Get vaccinated – or you're fired


Re: Unbelievably


I find it quite believable. There have always been nutters, egotists, scammers, crooks and mugs. Why would this be different? FB and the like didn't manage to stop them before so again, why would anyone expect this to be different?

There is no doubt the vaccines for these bugs were approved far faster than usual. Six months or so ago I was saying 'unlikely to be net harmful'. I'd now say 'likely to be net beneficial'. It does not alter the fact that people should be able to choose for themselves based on what they've been told by people they believe or found out from what they consider to be reliable sources.

Personally, I consider Mr Johnson and Sir Keir unreliable as sources of medical opinion; likewise Prof Ferguson.

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