Reply to post: Re: BBC Reith Lectures - Autonomous Killer Robots

Boffins demonstrate a different kind of floppy disk: A legless robot that hops along a surface

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: BBC Reith Lectures - Autonomous Killer Robots

Sort of, but we currently have suicide bombers, grenades and guns. From a capability standpoint this offers little more than a new (limited) delivery mechanism.

Since the first artificial neural network came out decades ago, there has been little to no improvement in AI. AI marketing, yes, but in reality today's ML is nothing more than glorified complicated transforms, as it ever has been. I worry less about advanced artificial intelligence than I do about something / someone stupid (building planes incorrectly, driving and messing with their phone, a truck driver losing attention).

(Out of interest, swarms of killer drones, the size of a tin of shoe polish? Shame about that breeze today eh? Might need another go tomorrow....)

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