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Foreign Office IT chaos: Shocking testimony reveals poor tech support hindered Afghan evac attempts

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

So, this mess starts with the Foreign Office not having the capability of identifying it's operational requirements and outsourcing that job.

Then the Foreign Office, being the organisation responsible for dealing with foreign crises doesn't have a plan for dealing with foreign crises, or any staff available to work outside of normal office hours. This is bridged by the army getting pissed off that it's planned it's end of moving people 3600 miles from Afghanistan to the UK via plane, but it isn't being told who it to move so it provides army staff to do the Foreign Office job as well, but the Foreign Office can't provide them with computers, phones or logins.

Ye bloody gods.

You'd think that in extremis you'd be able to stick a crisis team of couple of dozen people on functional equipment at your DR site. Assuming they have one, which you have to doubt given the level of competence shown here. The mind boggles. If we ran our company like that we'd go out of business.

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