Reply to post: Re: He is the Walrus

Tech Bro CEO lays off 900 people in Zoom call and makes himself the victim

My other car WAS an IAV Stryker

Re: He is the Walrus

No matter the context, using "this hurts (will hurt) me more than it hurts you" (and all variant forms) as an excuse is almost always a lie.

Anecdote: When I, by choice, changed perm jobs in 2018 -- my only major change of my primary career -- *I* could have said that, truthfully... for maybe a couple of weeks. Once settled in New Job and former coworkers were starting to realize "oh crap he's gone" the hurt was all on their end.

(Not really my intention to hurt my peers or even the company, but to fully explain this story will get too long and make me look like Pontius Pilate washing my hands of a bad situation by blaming former employer. At least I made sure I gave my two weeks' notice in person; the folks I gave the notice to would likely have preferred Zoom the way they just handled it as if I was gone that very day.)

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