Reply to post: Confusing poll

Crypto for cryptographers! Infosec types revolt against use of ancient abbreviation by Bitcoin and NFT devotees

Pirate Dave Silver badge

Confusing poll

Aren't we supposed to get like a week's worth of "For" and "Against" arguments by various illuminaries, along with a daily poll whose questions make some of us wonder whether we're supporting the basic proposal, supporting the opposition of the proposal by a proponent, opposing the support of the opposition, or opposing the opposition by the opposition? I don't understand how a simple poll with four straight-forward questions got past the El Reg Poll soviet.

As to "crypto" itself, my guess is some of the blame for its casual use by the great unwashed is due to Cryptolocker and its descendants muddying the waters even further buy requiring crypto-currency to unlock the encrypted files on the hard drive.

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