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China's hypersonic glider didn't just orbit Earth, it 'fired a missile' while at Mach 5

DJO Silver badge

The Long March 5C is not particularly compact, it needs a launch site, it's not something that can be silo launched so either they intend to design a new rocket specifically for the hypersonic weapon or this is willy waving of the highest order.

Unless they can launch dozens of them in one go it's next to useless as a first strike weapon. This is where ICBMs have an advantage, you can launch thousands of decoys to mask the few hundred real ones. Doubly so with MIRV warheads, that's the way to do a first strike.

Would work as a capital ship killer but there are already plenty of conventional missiles which do a better job by flying under the radar.

Possibly more of a propaganda weapon than a military weapon.

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