Reply to post: Re: @Dan 55

Amazon tells folks it will stop accepting UK Visa credit cards via weird empty email

codejunky Silver badge

Re: @Dan 55

@Dan 55

"I made no other comment other than it was open to as many EU countries who wanted it, including the UK as well as it was still in the transitional period. No country was forced to do anything it didn't want."

Which as I pointed out is a pointless statement if you are not trying to suggest the UK would have gone its own way. The only reason the UK didnt join the EU procurement against cries from remainers is that we left the EU and we had a gov finally pro brexit.

"No, it got ventilators made by people who didn't know how to make them which weren't suitable for the job."

Really? They made basic models that would do the job in an emergency, shockingly the situation we were in with a pandemic. So while not the fully fancy tech that is normally acceptable to use it is equipment made to the most basic components for an emergency situation. So it was a success which in the end wasnt necessary. On top of ordering from abroad.

"The inside story of the UK's NHS coronavirus ventilator challenge"

“They [the government] were initially talking about a Manley-Blease-style ventilator,” said a source at one specialist ventilator company. “They sent links to it.”

He was referring to a 1960s design by Roger Manley and the Blease Medical company, a major advance at the time but crude by modern standards.

In a document sent to manufacturers, the government said the new devices should ideally be able to support a patient for a number of days, but left open the option to build devices capable of providing support for a few hours to a day.

"Britain’s top diplomat: UK opt out of EU ventilator scheme was ‘political’ "

As was not ordering the vaccine with them. Thankfully.

"No, I'm the one who's as dumb as a bag of spanners, the AC is someone else."

Apologies. I do have a pet troll coward who likes to insert himself into comments to go trolling.

Going back to vaccine procurement and the extremely unlikely hypothetical situation that the UK did go its own way while remaining there is more! The EU made clear moves to steal vaccine they believed was for export especially aiming their vicious attacks towards the UK. The French have apparently been accused for stealing AZ vaccine from Holland to the UK. If the UK remained and did successfully procure vaccine you can guarantee the EU would steal it using all their political power available.

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