Reply to post: Re: Not surprised

Do not try this at home: Man spends $5,000 on a 48TB Raspberry Pi storage server

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: Not surprised

Experimenting with ML where you can plug a Coral device into a USB port and get decent performance. Think again yourself. There are plenty of ML things you can do with PyTorch and Tensorflow etc even without the Coral.

Anyway, there is plenty of education/experimenting you can do aside from ML. It's not vague at all, it's absolutely true. Nobody expects it to do everything, it's £35 FFS.

The original dream wasn't for a low maintenance desktop in schools. That's BS. The idea is for a device where you can switch out an SD card. It is totally successful at that.

Anyway, the massive global success of the Pi and its supporting backup resources speaks for itself. If you are inherently negative then I can see that you might miss that.

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