Reply to post: Re: How does anyone manage to do this?

Thousands of Firefox users accidentally commit login cookies on GitHub

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How does anyone manage to do this?

I get that a big part of security is about protecting numbskulls holding the keys to the kingdom from inadvertently handing them over, but at what point do we just let natural selection play out and let the idiots get hacked on their own lack of merit?

The ingredients to this problem suggest a gross lack of understanding of things by a person who's job is to understand and develop the things. On those grounds I can see GitHub really saying "Look; We can't be assed to save every moron from themselves and we're not going to pay a bug bounty because you found that some idiots committed the equivalent of mypasswords.txt to their public repos."

Personally, I want these people to get hacked so hard that they give up coding. Got enough halfwits writing shite code in JavaScript and Python out there already.

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