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Microsoft slows Windows 10 release cadence to yearly. If they're all as dull as the November Update, this is fine

Geoff Campbell Silver badge

Um, I do. I *like* Windows.

OK, part of that is 34 years of familiarity, but it has rarely done anything too nasty to me, and I don't have to justify my choice if, say, a report I write can't be opened on a customer's machine. Partly because it's never happened, but mostly because saying "I'm using the latest version of MS Office on Windows" closes down any "your system isn't standard" accusations.

I have plenty of experience of Linux on desktop and server (there are a couple of Linux machines and probably half a dozen VMs within arm-reach of me now) and also of OSX/MacOS/whatever it's called this week, and they're all good. But none of them are as good as Windows, for me and my usage.

No doubt this will receive plenty of downvotes. Odd, isn't it?


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