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There's only one cure for passive-aggressive Space Invader bosses, and that's more passive aggression

Antron Argaiv Silver badge

Once had a mangler who thought he knew everything. He was bright, young, and had gone to a good school, where he had been in a fraternity (and this showed). Well, after having been annoyed by him one too many times, and having had a 0% raise due to management not getting their ducks in a row after a senior manager left without doing the proper paperwork for annual raises, I decided that enough was enough, and transferred to a different department as soon as the option was available to me.

Fast forward to the next reorg, and the department into which I was transferred was merged in to the one he was in, and I mentioned to my director (with whom I had worked at a previous company) that I would not, under any circumstances, work for that guy again. Two weeks later, the new org chart came out with me reporting to him. Another talk with the director, and I was moved to a different manager.

Don't work for arseholes.

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