Reply to post: A Short Time will Tell whether it is High Time for IT to Short UKGBNI

Brit analysts formed pact to crash Autonomy's market valuation, ex-CFO tells US court

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

A Short Time will Tell whether it is High Time for IT to Short UKGBNI

There will be those who espouse that an honourable and competent UK Home Secretary should make a decision which refuses his [Lynch's] extradition to the US for yet another manipulative show trial.

However, with so much apparent sleaze in evidence amongst the ranks of MPs and Conservative party colleagues, one has always to recognise that corruption may pervert the course of natural justice and deny innocent parties their due rest and peer comforts.

Then the SHTF* and no one emerges smelling rosy with some being buried up to their necks in all of the BS** they were expected to be pimping/pumping and dumping.

It will be very revealing to hear leading news of the latest choice, which all may assume be freely made but which may very well not be, for it be subject to corruptive influences and sleazy considerations.

* ...... Shit Hits The Fan

** ...... Bull Shit

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