Reply to post: Re: No

UK Treasury and Bank of England starting to sound serious about 'Britcoin'

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: No

"Anyone the point of the CBDC isn't just electronic cash. It will bypass banks and enable the Central Bank to have full control."

You say this as if it's a good thing. I assure you, if they started doing these things, they would have a really big problem.

"(for example if you have a lot of cash saved they could offer a negative rate to encourage you to spend or even set an expiry date)."

Step 1: money leaves their bank and enters other investments. Step 2: investors leave country. Step 3: money goes to other country. Step 4: money doesn't come back.

"Lending could be targeted much more finely."

How finely do you need it targeted? Will this allow people to do things they couldn't already do? If so, will that be accomplished by taking on more risk? What lending do the existing lots of banks not know how to do that just putting all the money in one place makes possible?

"They would also have intelligence on every single transaction taking place in the economy which would give them better intel to set policy."

Run away. Run away now.

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