Reply to post: Re: Desktops must be multiplied beyond necessity

As System76 starts work on its own Linux desktop world, GNOME guy opens blog, engages flame mode

Charles 9

Re: Desktops must be multiplied beyond necessity

Rust isn't interpretive. It doesn't depend on garbage collection. It instead works (mostly) at the compiler level enforcing rules about how values are stored in memory to prevent dangling references and other memory loopholes. It requires the programmer to adhere to some additional rules of coding, so it's not automatic; there's a learning curve. It also enforces certain styles of coding that preclude the "shortcuts" that were needed in the past to extract performance or reduce memory footprint; it's kind of the price you pay for memory safety. Anyway, with almost no runtime checking, the chances of a flaw in the memory safety system are greatly reduced.

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