Reply to post: Re: Chatbots' difficulty with cultural nuances is overrated

Why machine-learning chatbots find it difficult to respond to idioms, metaphors, rhetorical questions, sarcasm

jake Silver badge

Re: Chatbots' difficulty with cultural nuances is overrated

Judging by the end results (getting pulled from circulation due to unintended so-called "adult" content), several left pondian chat-bots may have run across right pondian slang in their training data ... and literally translated it into left pondian. For example, translating yours would loosely give "I'm behaving violently towards a gay man[0], and using a prophylactic to avoid the consequences of my actions" ... probably not at all what the chat-bot herder intended.

Cross-pond machine translation will remain difficult into the foreseeable future. Many moons ago, probably over a decade now, Sarah Bee proposed an ElReg cross-pond translator. I volunteered to be one of the editors. Nothing ever came of it.

[0] Note that I am in no way advocating violence towards gay men. Or women, for that matter.

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