Reply to post: It used to work

Calendars have gone backwards since the Bronze Age. It's time to evolve

Joe W Silver badge

It used to work

Sortsa-kinda. Ok, not that reliably.

In my previous job I could actually do that. My "business" calendar could ingest stuff from my personal calendars. The only ("only"... yeah...) caveat is, that events can (and will) be duplicated, just like entries in your address books or "contacts" app- thingy. Especially recurring dates (birthdays) are prone to that. And don't get me started on traveling. We once almost missed a plane, because the flight info calendar entry was sent in the wrong time zone. One of my colleagues caught it, and we had to cancel the hotel downtown for the last night and book at the airport[+].

[+] actually I had a bit more time, I was on a later flight, and could spend some time at the Origami Museum at the Tokyo-Narita airport. I spent my last Yen on paper there, beautiful stuff.

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