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Chip makers aren't all-in on metaverse hardware yet – we should know, we asked them

J. Cook Silver badge

XPTE was... not terrible. I used one a few times at [RedactedCo] when I was tracking down printers that were not where they were supposed to be, because some chucklehead decided to swap it for a broken one and put the broken one back on the shelf. :( The units themselves were bought for a marketing project, played with, and returned back to us as "we tried it, we didn't like it."

I can see applications and uses for augmented reality sets- repair manuals stored on appropriately ruggedized device, and a wearable headset (like one of the hated Google Glass devices) to project the appropriate page of the repair manual or steps for the repair for the machine you are working on in front of you instead of having to rely on a worn, dirt-stained paper manual. Pokemon Go was a pretty slick AR app as well.

With luck, the tech will get better if it ever really takes off. We just need more than the two companies to really work on developing the hardware for it.

And yeah, f&*k facebook.

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