Reply to post: Re: 99% agree

Don't worry, the halo won't fade from the IT dept when this pandemic is over – because it was never there

Joe W Silver badge

Re: 99% agree

I'm no "in the trenches" IT guy. I do data analysis, and a bit of sysadmin work. I like automating stuff, making things work.

So, concerning the role of IT in the pandemic saving the day, I was a user. And I sing praises to our remote-access-configuring and just-get-stuff-and-our-users-working IT wizards. I can appreciate what was done, and what was done well. Sure, not everything went equally well (and those who messed up likely know), but I think that it was a marvel that the more or less sudden and rather absolute lockdown impacted our work so little. Highest management did realise as well, and said so, though I'm not sure how good their memory is.

"Praise them with great praise!" -->

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