Reply to post: Re: Hang on ...

Google lab proposes solar-powered moisture farming to provide water for billions

the Jim bloke

Re: Hang on ...

If the water being removed from the atmosphere -actually- was being removed from the system, say, by being put into a pipe and sent a hundred kilometres away, then it could be a problem, but pulling it out of the air and feeding it through a human is but a temporary detour on the grand adventure that is a water molecules existence. There are probably water molecules floating around that have existed since before life developed.

Efficiency achieved will vary with the relative humidity, so drought conditions will still be a crisis, especially as temperatures increase, but it is a form of recycling... - the 10 million litres your city of 2 million inhabitants consume in a day will be exhaled and sweated out to be available again tomorrow, less any piped away in sewerage -( maybe keep your treatment plants nearby and upwind for maximum recovery)

Hydrogen as a fuel replacement will synergise with this technology, so win win there.

From a civic planning perspective (so ignoring poor people) providing urban water features such as ponds and fountains will improve the efficiency of these, and reduce the amount of services needing to be connected to each building (sewers still required).

Even poor quality water could improve the local humidity, as you are basically using the atmosphere to distil the water.

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