Reply to post: Re: Forget about the lonely asshat

Real-time crowdsourced fact checking not really that effective, study says

jake Silver badge

Re: Forget about the lonely asshat

"no longer even need to wear sheep's clothing..."

Just $6,000+ Armani suits (with Thom Browne loafers, of course). Funny how the ripped Levis and torn tee-shirt clad denizens (wearing Crocs, no doubt) are the folks most likely to follow them, isn't it?

Hey, Trump supporter[0]: Do you really think the filthy rich former idiot-in-chief would give you the time of day if he passed you in the street? Like hell he would. When was the last time you saw him at a tractor pull, drag race, swamp buggy race, or boggin' in the back country? Seriously, trailer trash, you are the last thing he wants to be the neighbor of ... so why are you a supporter? Glutton for punishment?

[0] Substitute televangelist or "conservative" radio host, or YouTube "creator" of your choice. I won't mind in the least. Every single one of 'em are ripping you blind ... and you are so brainwashed you think you like it! The mind absolutely boggles ...

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