Reply to post: Re: Independent, informed comment

Assange psychiatrist misled judge over parentage of his kids, US tells High Court


Re: Independent, informed comment

Seriously, you want me to grow up when you're offering lollipops? Why not just call me butthurt and be done with it?

I have defended my position multiple times in this thread. Assange is not a journalist, nor is anyone at Wikileaks. They do not protect their sources properly, they do not redact PII from their leaks and the choice of material they leak is clearly in some cases motivated by political considerations. Assange is also prone to editiorialising on the material he leaks.

They are clearly aware from the statements made regarding arbitrary detention that they have some sympathy at the UN, and as I stated no lawyer worthy of the name is going to ask for a review of a case by anyone without knowing that the results of said review will suit their narrative. The very fact that the person who did the review had to apologise to the woman involved undermines his status.

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