Reply to post: Re: CIA conspirarcies?

Assange psychiatrist misled judge over parentage of his kids, US tells High Court

You aint sin me, roit

Re: CIA conspirarcies?

While I wouldn't put it past the CIA to be thinking about assassination, coercion, and threats, in fact I'd be very surprised if they hadn't, I don't think killing him or any of his relations would further their ambitions. In fact probably the opposite.

I don't think they need to silence him, he's already splurged all he knows. He's just not important anymore. Locking him up would be their revenge. In the meantime, belittling him is a PR exercise, though Assange does a fair job of that himself... two children while holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy is hardly responsible behaviour. Indeed, it looks like a cynical ploy to avoid deportation: "Don't separate me from my children"!

If he were Russian though he'd be dead by now. Assassination is definitely Putin's thing, pour encourager les autres...

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