Reply to post: Sorry, pass.

Matrix for the masses platform Element One goes live: $5 a month with WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram bridges

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Sorry, pass.

The quickest check if a company is really addressing security well is to look at which jurisdictions they're present in, and not just where the company has its HQ. This sidesteps any BS about privacy being a Human Right and other marketing guff that could cover up painful realities.

I find checking where their email lives tends to be the quickest way to establish if they have a clue of the legal issues they're exposed to, and I have some bad news: it all lives in the US. Not sure where their data lives, but by default exposing internal comms is IMHO not the brightest of moves from a trust perspective.

So no, thank you. Fundamentals are pretty important in the age of wannabe authoritorian regimes and no, just having an office in Switzerland á la Silent Circle really isn't enough to escape the clutches of US federal law, especially not after Microsoft helped establishing the Cloud Act.

Your mileage may vary, but if you have a need to protect your communication (which doesn't immediately mean you're a criminal but simply have to protect information), make sure you check everything.

That you should never trust marketing statements is, of course, a given :).

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